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Shandong Kesheng Electronics Co. Ltd..物水 Annual production of 12 mil話話lion GPP chip technology project報下 environmental impact e快舞valuation first public笑風ity

Data:2017.10.20 &nb吧朋sp; Pv:   Source: Kesheng Electronics你紅

Shandong Kesheng Electronics Co.靜問 Ltd.. Annual Productio好機n of12millionGPPChip Technical Reform 到南Project

Environmental Impact Assessment我黑 First Publicity

一(yī)、General information on 海河the project

1、construction project brief des醫歌cription

The annual output of 12 mill師姐ion GPP chip technology reform p都店roject is invested and constructed這照 by Shandong Kesheng Electr風內onics Co., Ltd.. The construc男睡tion site is located at 7060 In是黃dustrial Second Road, Mingshui Econom海遠ic and Technological Development Zone鄉家, Zhangqiu District, Ji刀花nan City. The total investment of the p見金roject is 16 million yuan, and th志草ere are 2 new GPP chip producti近路on lines. The main purchase of 147 de務文vices such as point 公讀measuring machines, cutting ma得船chines, and diffusion furnaces, a自為nd the transformation of the身金 factory building is 5,500 square met我制ers.

2、Overview of possible e北區nvironmental impacts of construction p也紅rojects

Among the "three wastes" of火國 the project, the exhaust gas 到讀mainly comes from the acid and alka湖用line exhaust gas, particulat東報e exhaust gas, and organ是說ic exhaust gas in the production w嗎地orkshop; Wastewater pollution裡跳 sources are mainly 工服domestic sewage, pure water station wa輛紙stewater, acid and alkali c但費leaning wastewater, fluori得知nated wastewater, etc.. Solid友笑 waste is mainly domest醫銀ic waste, waste sand, substa靜街ndard Silicon tablets and othe朋上r general solid waste公文 and waste acid, waste imaging solut習得ion, waste photoresis火厭t, waste fixative sol人錯ution, isopropanol containing water and藍術 other hazardous waste; Noise pollu上飛tion sources are mainly fa醫筆n, pump, sandblower treatment equipmen歌舞t.

3、Main points of countermeasu光志res and measures to prevent or mitigat就你e adverse environmental ef熱東fects

(1)Exhaust gas: The exhaust gas pr綠技oduced during the production process o我校f this project is mainly acid and alk時會aline exhaust gas, partic鄉嗎ulate exhaust gas, and organic exha科文ust gas. Among them, the acid-alkali物算ne exhaust gas is collected 醫吧through the collecti化近on mask and processed by the 她姐alkali spray tower treat年車ment system on the roof and dis綠河charged by a 15-meter-high exha作短ust cylinder; The part身道icle exhaust gas is discharged by a鐘請 15-meter high exhaust tube af動什ter being treated by a cloth bag dust白區 collector; After the organic exh哥物aust gas is collecte愛很d through the collection mask, it i公對s discharged by a 15頻城-meter high exhaust tube via p技但lasma photooxygen.

Through various treatment measure匠風s, all pollutants can ac空熱hieve standard emissions.

(2)Wastewater: The wastewater produc區靜ed during the producti亮呢on process of this project is mainly 外看domestic wastewater, produ西媽ction wastewater, and domestic se化輛wage is treated by septic tank坐國s and production wastewa做有ter is treated by sewage stations and 場物discharged into municipal 門歌pipe networks.

3)Solid waste: The solid waste gener飛微ated by this project 什藍mainly consists of domestic開務 waste, unqualified Silic北光on tablets, general packaging materi看司als, waste sand and ot物志her general solid wast用服e waste and waste acid, waste什熱 nickel plating solution, waste 村內photoresist, waste imaging s還制olution, waste fixed film solutio化輛n, waste isopropanol and other 麗人hazardous wastes. Among t冷樹hem, hazardous waste is entrusted to a 些身qualified unit for treatment, 吃鐘and the rest of the waste 影數is properly disposed of.

(4)Noise: The main sour跳喝ces of noise in this來微 project are fan, pump, s票都andblower, etc.. The noise in農音tensity is below 60dB(A), and after sou弟校nd absorption, sound isolation, 為相and basic shock absorptio這大n measures, The noise generated by th姐話is project can be atten從去uated to the factory sector to meet th頻少e requirements of the "In服也dustrial Enterprise Environme綠好ntal Noise Emission Standard"(GB12348-化廠2008).

5)Environmental risk: Accordi員低ng to the industry characteristics o務民f the project, the company水購 has formulated corres懂外ponding risk prevent書舊ion measures. In the飛技 production process design, accordin視做g to the current internationa西匠l advanced management methods, the risk農睡 of the proposed project wil件路l be reduced to a minimum兵個.

4、Elements of the Environmental 兒市Impact Assessment Findings of the答可 Environmental Impact 可音Report

After the evaluation, it was conclud南小ed that the constructi但到on of the project complie女從d with the requirements of the National不電 industrial policy, plan都工ning, etc.. The Environ的匠mental Protection measur地道es adopted were feasible, all站答 pollutants could be 線農discharged in accordance with the stand吃和ards, the impact on the surrounding e懂又nvironment was small, and the risk用筆 plans formulated were術光 feasible. The construction of th北秒e project is feasible from an environ筆能mental perspective.

5、How and when the public can c大紅onsult the simplified version of t拍商he Environmental Impact 著身Report

The public may consult t中火he data by telephone or at t聽們he project location of 站友the construction unit, and obtain i木河nformation or feedback from the cons照媽truction unit or evaluation unit with理大in 10 days from the date of劇有 this information announceme少來nt.

6、Scope and main issues f坐票or public comment

It mainly solicited opinions from th匠黑e public within the scope of pr多她oject evaluation, mai線火nly based on environmental impacts.

7、Specific forms of public consultatio時船n

Feedback through posting and answer雨匠ing questionnaires.

8、Time of submission of public commen樹間ts

The public may submit the動金ir opinions within 10那小 working days from the dat信劇e of publication of this bulleti大短n.

二、Name and contact inform物務ation of the project construction un事現it

Construction Unit: Shandong Kesheng Electro在女nics Co. Ltd..

Site:7060 Industrial Second Road, Mingshui E路飛conomic and Technological Development靜門 Zone, Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, S白我handong Province

Postal Code: 250200


Telephone: 18560056578

三、Name and contact detail花子s of the environmental im公都pact assessment body underta草湖king the evaluation

Evaluation organizatio鐵高n:Hebei Deyuan Environmental Protecti校藍on Technology Co., Ltd..

Location:Xinxing Street, Botou City, Hebei P時河rovince

Associated: Ligong

Telephone: 13505310710

Date: 2017.10.20
