Acceptance opinion of environ你高mental protection for technical renov通她ation project of electron東購ic energy saving and environmental pro聽船tection chip of cork
In January 4, 2018, Sh業照andong Kesheng Electronic子山s Co., Ltd. established the 金少inspection and acceptance working 筆地group, and completed the envir醫妹onmental protection acceptance 不物of the company's "energy saving an錢遠d environmental protection rectifier ch讀說ip technology transf可見ormation project". The work志友ing group on behalf 弟廠of the acceptance by t鐵是he construction unit - Shand妹的ong branch core Electronics Co. Ltd, 電空environmental impact assessme長筆nt of Ji'nan City Environmen山紙tal Protection Agency - Planning and 高男Design Institute, and ac舞飛ceptance report of organization -相體 Shandong Green monitoring of Limi我人ted by Share Ltd and 3 professiona制快l technical experts (list姐雨 attached). The acceptance team strict上都ly checks and approving笑頻 the project in accordance 多麗with relevant national laws a們工nd regulations, technical s開現pecification for completion of e秒我nvironmental protection and acce房就ptance of construction女月 projects, environmen件土tal impact statement of the p煙兒roject and approval 相人decision of approval department. Insp內坐ection group listened t話來o Shandong Kesheng E弟人lectronics Company Limite下計d on the project and the imple商看mentation of environmen有門tal protection and introduc金多tion of Shandong Green Limite歌吃d by Share Ltd on monitoring projec議美t completion and accept得間ance of environmental protection m內司onitoring is introduced, on呢厭-site inspection of the 區費operation of construction, engin裡廠eering and environmental得物 protection facilities, rev慢外iew and verify the relevant infor土著mation. After careful disc近林ussion, the following acceptanc如機e opinions are formed頻裡.
一(yī)、 The basic situation of the con吧和struction of the project
(一(yī))The content of the constru生厭ction site, scale, main construction a能白nd investment
Construction project: energy savi化在ng and environmental protection type 我刀rectification chip project;
Construction unit: Shandon藍為g Kesheng Electronics Co., Ltd空科.
The nature of the project: technica國個l reform;
Construction site: the east 業吧side of the middle secti離計on of the Ming Port Road in Zhangqiu di腦生strict;
Total investment: 1少市2 million yuan, of whic體生h 1 million yuan for environmen船內tal investment;
The number of workers:哥師 the original 300 peo報費ple, this technical reform 什銀does not add staff.
Working hours in the year: three clas可生s system and 360 days of working tim坐短e.
After the completion of the 一商technical renovation project, the annu光妹al production chip is 6 數現million pieces per year, of which the睡司 diffusion chip is 5 mil對到lion 760 thousand pieces 在村per year, and the GPP wafer is 24購大0 thousand pieces per yea關他r.
(二)Construction process an聽理d environmental protection e自門xamination and approval女間
The project in Decemb高月er 2013 by the Ji'nan municipal env山微ironmental protection p喝光lanning and Design Institute prepared 這照"Shandong branch core Electronics Co.問子, energy saving and enviro跳村nmental protection type re章哥ctifier chip project env生月ironmental impact report f森舞orm", and Zhangqiu District Envi錯相ronmental Protection Bureau業店 EIA approval on 03 2014 14 Jul花又y (Zhang Huan report 201通門4 No. 2) according to the "c科訊onstruction projects; complet懂問ion of the environmental prote男中ction acceptance management mea遠湖sures", Shandong Kexin Electroni都少cs Co. Ltd. in September 2017 commiss刀請ioned by the Shandong Limited by Share 呢愛Ltd Green detection 秒多project overall acceptance. Aft慢錯er the inspection of Li她嗎mited by Share Ltd in Shandong, Green 音作commissioned the organizing從拍 technician to investigate the s湖秒cene, and compiled the acceptance mo歌答nitoring plan of Shandon員兒g Ke Xin Electronics Co., Ltd公體., which is energy saving and機飛 environmental protection rectifi小風cation chip technology transfo少有rmation project. It was ch城睡ecked on site on ~18 Septe數些mber 17, 2017.
(三)The scope of acceptance
The acceptance of the project by the m畫小ain project, auxiliary engineering, pu吃問blic engineering, envir錯雪onmental engineering, the scope o遠飛f acceptance for the project做站 approved by the EIA and the relate看湖d content, involving noise, soli湖我d waste pollution prevention and contr鄉低ol facilities, to the local en書討vironmental protection department a笑拿pproval or approval opinions.湖化
二、The change of the project
Through on-site investigation, compa公裡rison with EIA reports and 綠器approval opinions, the project i國中s a technological tran器理sformation project. The contents 水店of actual construction are inco花空nsistent with the contents of E公身IA and approval.
1、The number of main producti水上on equipment diffusion furnace 場山changes. The EIA approved 5 new pr見物oduction equipment diffusio有草n furnaces and 4 new p討新roduction equipment diffu信信sion furnaces, and th男道e enterprise promised票筆 not to increase the remaining 1 北村diffusion furnaces.
2、Changes in domestic sewage treat讀要ment facilities. The environmental ass雜房essment requires the cons我白truction of domestic sewage treatment f腦舞acilities; the actua師的l sewage is treated i你很nto the life pipe netwo麗上rk after the disposal of the 器山septic tank.
3、 The location of the waste gas tre要日atment facilities has changed. The EI去船A report waste gas treatment facility i呢雨s on the ground. The actual waste gas上現 treatment facility is 低說moved from the groun船外d to the top of the plan火讀t.
The above is not a major chan現生ge, as compared with the [2015船歌] 52.
三、The construction of en說人vironmental protection facilities
(一(yī))Waste water
The waste water produc間弟ed in the production proces亮資s of the project is divided in光車to production wastewater and 男動domestic sewage. Producti懂店on wastewater is mainly compos女笑ed of acid and alkaline 黃都wastewater, fluoride contain開笑ing wastewater, sand blown was錯愛tewater, cleaning waste銀東water which can not be reused i報你n various processes (general clean was計近tewater), cleaner clean理畫ing waste water and pur些雜e water station wastewater.
During the producti紅門on process, all kinds of在從 waste water generated from each sec個議tion of the production 知山line were collected from the sewag知家e collection network of the factory 金鐘area to the production was靜雜tewater treatment station. The cleaner秒上 waste water was reused aft學下er purified by pure water p得腦lant, and the domest秒關ic sewage was discharged after septic 了你tank treatment. The production wastewat畫村er and domestic sewage pi他在pe network are discharged in工熱to the first sewage treatment 吃老plant in Zhangqiu district fo湖照r further treatment.
(二)Exhaust gas
1)Organized waste gas
Particulate waste gas: from銀線 the sand blowing proc多大ess in No. 3 workshop, the main po錢刀llutants are particles, after tr新嗎eatment with pulse dust removal 飛你facilities, 1 15m high e東城xhaust gas cylinders a知樹re discharged.
Acid and alkali waste gas is黑筆 mainly derived from various acid-ba物開se core treatment processes, including雪去 pretreatment process, diffusion proc靜水ess and GPP production process年文. The main pollutants are fluorides, 的自sulphuric acid fogs, HCl, NH3, 的新NOx and so on. The acid and alkali 來的waste gas was collected by the collec銀議ting hood of the filler s店音pray layer (alkali sp房有ray) respectively, and then 舊呢discharged through 2 ex白間haust cylinders (No. 們黑3 workshop exhaust chamb水到er height 17m, 4 workshop 算做exhaust tank height 15m).
Organic waste gas: 照雨from isopropanol dehydration,農房 photolithography and passivation醫員, the main pollutant is non methane tot用那al hydrocarbon. The organic wast她體e gas is collected by a workshop ga放下s collector and then 兒公discharged by a 15m high exhaust 刀術gas cylinder after the photoc市朋atalytic oxidation treatment.
Canteen fumes: the facto白老ry has a canteen with natural gas to議他 provide food for the staff of the fa長不ctory. The oil fume exhaus金來t is discharged by the 1.5m exhaust of是站 the roof after the 亮了oil fume purifier (manufacturer: Beij請吃ing Jingbo Huaxing environment在月al protection equipment 行新Co., Ltd.).
2)Unorganized exhaust 還作gas
Unorganized exhaust gas is業東 the unorganized exhau時她st gas generated during the樹朋 storage process of all 多南production processes and variou呢道s raw and auxiliary material科弟s. The main pollution factors are p到腦articulate matter, N看和Ox, fluoride, sulfuric acid fog, hydro民冷gen chloride and non methane total hydr議媽ocarbon.
(三) Noise
The main noise source of 路習the technical renovation project is南草 the air compressor, the fan and 文現the sand blowing machine. The 白話air compressor and air blower are 樂秒located outside, and the sand blowi聽好ng machine is located in the work體報shop. The noise reduct科事ion measures, such as basic vi影鄉bration isolation and vibration isola紅熱tion, indoor layout and 大數building noise reduction, are ad雪子opted.
(四)Solid waste
1)Hazardous waste: hazardous waste ge街相nerated during the project ope技車ration is the main w錯志aste heat conductive oil f暗兒urnace used in the process of eve身讀ry 5 years, waste heat conductin西線g oil in hazardous waste collection co電通mmissioned after the tempor海費ary place Shandong renewable e服數nvironmental services什站 limited disposal.
2)General solid waste:
The solid waste produced by 笑分the project is divid遠農ed into hazardous waste and 間司general solid waste. Hazardous w在道astes include waste acid, nickel wast到好e, waste photoresist, waste develope長紅r, waste fixing solution, w廠遠aste isopropanol, waste pac飛裡kaging, etc. the general solid waste m山吧ainly includes sewage treatment stati可兵on sludge, unqualified wafers,兵道 waste sand, domestic garbage 數呢and so on.
The collection of hazardous wastes們購 is placed in the temporary storage為林 room. The hazardous waste tempor跳東ary storage has already done anti-seepa靜著ge and posting marked signs of作姐 hazardous waste and classified l能如abels, and formulated 什務detailed hazardous was會能te management system, entrusted這視 to Shandong Ping Fu 用做Environmental Services Co.,麗外 Ltd. to deal with it.
Unqualified single cryst鄉開al is recycled by the c多多hip manufacturer. Wast通紙e sand, garbage by the sanit書房ation department timel廠得y removal, harmless treat區又ment.
(五)Other environmenta樹街l protection facilities
1、The total plant constru習小ction of 160 m3 accident可信 wastewater collection pool to ensure藍在 that the waste water under abnorma我喝l conditions is collected an著體d properly handled.
2、The health protection 務廠distance of the proje文音ct is within 50 meters. There are 場森no environmental sensit房離ive buildings such as sch是學ools, housing and so on. The nearest s空上ensitive target for the pr場劇oject is the Ji'nan traffic adva妹又nced technology school 讀玩on the west side of 店線70m.
3、Enterprises have esta音妹blished and improved the environmental店少 management system, formulated 麗信the emergency plan of Shandon問風g Ke Xin Electronics Co., Lt事通d., and put it on the Envi很可ronmental Protection Burea一這u of Zhangqiu District, Ji'nan, wi是車th the record number: 37081-2017畫動-0126-L.
四、Monitoring results of envi懂機ronmental protection 些黑facilities
(一(yī)) Production condition很熱s during the monitoring pe嗎紙riod
During the monitoring拍身 period, the production is normal, t遠好he working condition is stable, and th明媽e production load is more th嗎站an 75% (the two day monitor民工ing production load is 90%), wh鐵厭ich meets the requirements of 姐厭acceptance monitoring tech費學nology specification.
(二)The discharge of the pollutant關兒s to the standard
1、Exhaust gas
During the monitoring per歌員iod, No. 3 workshop pH e離到xhaust cylinder outlet NOx, flu放看oride, ammonia maximum坐大 emission concentration we為綠re 5mg/m3, 0.72mg/m3, 書雜2.49mg/m3, the maximum emission r要議ate were 0.081kg/h, 0.0坐商11kg/h, 0.040kg/h; 4, pH of the e多靜xhaust gas outlet tube w線身orkshop in NOx, fluoride, ammonia, hydr在到ogen chloride, sulfuric 影海acid mist maximum the emission concentr要船ation were 6mg/m3, 0.46mg/m3, <0.2自你mg/m3, 1.85mg/m3, <0.2mg/m3請金, NOx, fluoride and ammo做路nia, the maximum emission rate w木時ere 0.189kg/h, 0.015kg/h, 0.059kg煙年/h. The monitoring resu煙工lts all met the requirements of t麗好he "comprehensive emissio市空n standard for air pollu銀船tants" (GB16297-1996月也) table 2, two level standard and "議笑odor pollution discharg個醫e standard" (GB14554-93).
During the monitoring period, m冷喝aximum emission concentratio兒員n of 3 particles of sand blowin畫子g workshop exhaust tube i從錢n the export of 5.3m草筆g/m3, the maximum dischar了新ge rate of 0.058kg/h, to meet th街東e integrated emission sta他湖ndard of air pollutants 村日"(GB16297-1996) table 2 grade two st生學andard and" integrated emissio生數n standard of air pollutants i媽小n Shandong province "(DB37/2376-2013) t業從able 2 key control area關刀 requirements.
During the monitoring period, the m作冷aximum emission conc謝兒entration of non methane total hydro空筆carbons in the outlet 內風of organic waste gas in wo外資rkshop No. 4 is 7.13mg/答計m3, and the maximum emission rate i樹都s 0.052kg/h, which meets the standa路又rd requirements of "two levels去關 of air pollutants compreh票為ensive discharge standard" (G得不B16297-1996) table 2.南畫
During the monitoring period, t低習he maximum average emission concentrati妹亮on of cooking oil fumes in the 下懂outlet of the cooking fume purifie現船r was 0.47mg/m3, which met the "small 唱自scale limit" requirement of "坐亮cooking oil smoke emission 長農standard" (DB37/597-2006)
During the monitoring period,光這 the maximum emission concentr雪畫ation of unorganized gas particle了讀s, NOx, fluoride, hydroge個司n chloride, sulfuric acid mist中年, non methane hydrocarbons were 0.3費鐵41mg/m3, 0.060mg/m3, &l水我t;9, <0.005mg/m3, <0.02mg/m3,小短 10-4mg/m3 * 1.22mg/m3, mee拿我t the "integrated em地森ission standard of air pollutants區問" (GB16297-1996) table 是農2 unorganized emission concentration l坐山imits.
2、Waste water
During the monitoring pe的兵riod, total production可如 wastewater discharge port (sewage trea作我tment station exit water) the maxi月弟mum daily mean values 舞黑were: pH between 7.49~7.83, COD現銀cr was not detected, ammonia nitr年間ogen and suspended solids 6mg/L, t票輛otal phosphorus 0.12mg/L, s長什alt 534mg/L, nickel was not detec坐放ted, the monitoring results have rea到數ched the "Shandong province Xiaoqin筆錯g River Basin water poll火歌utants discharge stan玩暗dard" (DB37/656-2006) table 4 ke姐空y protection area standards, q銀船uality supervision standard No. 到很[2011]35 Lu, Lu [2014]7, standard of 很山quality supervision "electroplating p理頻ollutant discharge standard"個路 (GB21900-2008) requ跳做irements in Table 2 emission城笑 limits.
During the monitoring peri玩飛od, the maximum daily aver門樹age value of nickel exported to笑家 nickel plating works歌唱hop is 0.016mg/L, and the monitoring車朋 results meet the emi友員ssion limits specified in Table 2 of e雪城lectroplating pollutant discharge stan如呢dard (GB21900-2008).
Sewage is discharged to municipal sew舞章age pipe network after treatment by sep爸線tic tank, which is not monitored.
During the monitori關件ng period, monitoring point boundary裡相 noise monitoring value in day厭相time 52.6dB (A) ~58.2dB木金 (A), night monitoring value 筆快in 44.3dB (A) ~48.8dB (A), the 下到monitoring results are con自鐘sistent with the "industrial ent拍店erprise environmental nois那空e emission standards"明現 (GB12348-2008) of 2 functional a動站reas (A), day 60dB night 50dB 風信(A) standard.
4、Measures for discharge嗎得, disposal and comprehensiv作河e utilization of solid waste
The solid waste produced by the proj兒師ect is divided into hazardous waste an就男d general solid waste.
Hazardous wastes inc的黃lude waste acid, nickel was日說te, waste photoresist, waste develo年在per, waste fixing solution, was拍金te isopropanol, waste packaging, etc. t民姐he general solid waste has sewa船學ge treatment station sludge,高場 unqualified wafers, waste 朋就sand and domestic wa電喝ste.
Hazardous wastes such as wast音見e acid, nickel waste, waste p子農hotoresist, waste developer, wa筆生ste fixative, waste is山懂opropanol and waste package are entrust分農ed to Shandong Ping Fu En船時vironmental Services Co., Ltd. to 校我deal with. At present, ha頻公zardous waste is tempora火分rily stored in the temporary stora器章ge room.
Unqualified single crystal is裡對 recycled by the chip manufacturer. Sew場窗age treatment plant sludge, waste sand,就美 waste by the sanitation department ti技相mely removal, harmless treatment.
五、The conclusion of the acceptance
1、The review of environmental 費也protection and the complete examinati厭黃on and approval procedures at the銀路 early stage of the project constr為計uction.
2、The main body of the p睡姐roject and the environmental protecti嗎她on facilities, etc., are completed 動聽in accordance with the動民 requirements of the EIA, a車黑nd have no major changes聽麗 and have normal ope街做rating conditions.
3、The main pollutant discharge of th匠短e project meets the requi師花rements of the EIA approval 資銀standard.
4、During the project con中黑struction and trial operat低著ion, there are no envi但作ronmental complaints, illegal or penal跳匠ized records.
To sum up, the environment歌國al protection procedures of Shandong c刀玩ore Electronics Co., e線鐘nergy saving and environmental protec看頻tion type rectification project project子文 chip already complete, basic technica照錢l information is complete資訊, the implementation of 數線environmental impact assessm書西ent and the "three simultane業金ous" management syste書下m, the basic implementation拍那 of the various environmental po哥門llution prevention measures and the筆呢 EIA report approval spe也友cified, all kinds of pollutant discha得制rge standards and to achieve meet the兵唱 total management requirement中就s, in line with the co也女mpletion of environmental prot木輛ection acceptance co很章nditions. According to the 分土"Interim Measures for en看理vironmental protection construction水玩 project completion and acceptance" (C拿這hina ring EIA No. [2017]4) regula坐些tions, noise and solid路農 waste environmental pr美信otection facilities by the Zhangq老算iu Environmental Protection Bur務她eau approval or appr長鐵oval given according to the scene, the 湖舞project can be formally put 動樹into production operation.
六、Suggestions and requirements
1、Set the sampling platf能議orm and sampling port according 家冷to the standard.
2、Standardizing the discharge 女一port, doing well the oper頻廠ating table of the en都校vironmental protection facilities to 計現ensure the stable operation of the envi劇上ronmental protection faci湖為lities.
3、Strengthen the company's environmen公飛tal risk management, impr煙懂ove the environmental ris到校k identification, environmental ri如慢sk detection and man作公agement, to ensure e工學nvironmental safety. We should furt開樹her improve the emergency plan for en低志vironmental emergencies, imple學銀ment environmental risk prevention me子低asures, conduct regular 人身environmental emergency drills, a靜還nd improve the ability to deal with新白 unexpected environmental ri雪這sk events.
4、Strengthen the cont高時rol of the related noise sources 相些to ensure the emission of the no空員ise in the factory.
5、The inspection and monitoring金站 report should refine the content of m購國onitoring quality control.
6、Strengthen the daily maintenanc人弟e and management of all ki們暗nds of environmental pr水師otection facilities,我藍 ensure the normal oper時農ation of the environmenta不海l protection facilities,要明 and discharge all the pollutants in a間如 long-term stable manner.用年 In case of environmental protecti紙麗on facilities being overhauled or shu爸區t down, we should report to the local e技還nvironmental protection冷快 department in time, and record them鄉樹 for reference.
Acceptance Working Grou生作p
January 4, 2018